2019 Musical

2019-06-02 17.31.03.jpg

We ended our 2018-19 KWA year last night with a mini-musical entitled, “The Big Story of the Bible.” The first part of the evening had our preschool choirs singing. After dismissing these kids to sit with their parents, the third graders did a puppet skit. Following this, the fourth grade guitar class accompanied the congregation on “Amazing Grace.” While the stage was reset, our sixth grade drama class told scripted jokes to the congregation.

Once everything was reset, we started the walk-on music and began our musical. As to the musical itself, it was purchased collection from Word Music. We sang five songs with narration in between the songs. There were several soloists / duets / trios throughout, and the first and second graders sang one song alone. For a ministry that has purposely attempted to limit the “performance pressures” of children’s choir, it was a pretty low stress evening. The kids did a great job, and the parents were exposed to a little of what we do every Wednesday at Kids Worship Arts. Now we have a few short weeks off, and hit it again in the fall.