KWA Mini-Musical 2017

We have decided to do a musical, and we are excited about the potential this challenge will present. The music we are using is from our upcoming 2017 Vacation Bible School. This year's theme is about space. To go along with the songs, we are writing our own original drama and incorporating other elements of our ministry into our mid-summer "presentation." We begin full rehearsals as soon as the kids return from spring break.

Musically, we plan to use snippets from the various songs as an avenue to teach basic sight singing fundamentals. In addition, our guitar class will be chording along with some of the tracks. Our third and fourth graders will be doing puppets with one song, and our first and second graders will be bringing their own rhythmic originality to another. Finally, we'll be learning motions for each song to help the kids internalize, memorize, and more effectively communicate the text to the congregation.

One of our instructions will be writing a drama that is an exact fit for the fifth and sixth graders who chose the drama track. Those kids will be memorizing their lines and doing a full fledge drama instead of the readers theater approach they have utilized to date.

From a worship standpoint, the text of the musical is overtly evangelistic. Since the first step for a worshipper is to establish a personal relationship with their Lord, the impact of this musical could possibly span eternity for some of the participants. In addition, this will give the kids an opportunity to proclaim the gospel in an overt way to their friends and family who will come to see the presentation.